Hurricane Sandy Pool Damage
Simple Solutions for Repairing Hurricane-Damaged Swimming Pools
Hurricane-force winds and rain pose special challenges to above-ground pool owners once clean-up efforts begin. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, State Fair Seasons recommends the following simple steps for getting swimming pools back into pristine shape. As valued customers, we will be happy to provide estimates at no cost to replace your irreparably damaged pool or outdoor furniture. Please call Marty at 973-450-1070.
1. Remove all solid debris from the pool.
2. Carefully, inspect the above-ground pool’s structure. Seek help from a professional pool repair service to correct any structural problems.
3. Ensure the pump motor is adequately dry before resuming operation. Drain down any excess water from the pool.
4. Use a floccing agent and vacuum the waste. Flocculants are chemical compounds that when added to water cause suspended agents to sink. Once settled on the bottom of the pool, the previously suspended articles can be vacuumed.
5. Circulate the pool for 24 hours, and then test the pH, Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness (State Fair Seasons Pool Store offers FREE water testing; bring in a cup of water for a quick, computerized chlorine demand analysis). Make adjustments as needed. For chlorinated pools, apply a double dosage of a chlorinating shock product. If using a non-chlorine, biguanide system, add both sanitizer and a double dosage of the shock product. Circulate pool again for 24 hours.
6. Monitor the chlorine level for the next 24 hours to ensure you can maintain a 1 – 3 ppm level. Add chlorinating shock as needed to maintain levels. For biguanide pools, monitor sanitizer level (holding 40ppm) and shock levels (maintaining 40ppm - 60ppm) for 24 hours. Add products as needed to maintain proper levels.
7. Clean the filter.
8. After water is balanced and sanitizer levels are stable, you can resume use of the pool.
For more information and assistance in cleaning and repairing your pool, visit STATE FAIR SEASONS POOL & PATIO STORE conveniently located just off Route 21 in Belleville, NJ at 229 Main Street. 973-450-1070.