The True Meaning of Christmas
- Shopping Seasons
- 13 Dec, 2012
Did you know that Nativity scenes have been around since the 13th century? St. Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the first nativity scene 1223 in Italy.
St. Francis’ first Nativity was a live pantomime, with humans and animals playing the Biblical roles in Christ’s birth story. Nativities become increasingly popular in Catholic countries, and by the end of the 19th century people could purchase Nativity scenes with stables and figurines sculpted from terracotta, paper, wood, wax and ivory.
You too can take part in this centuries-old tradition. Today’s Nativity scenes are beautiful representations of the birth of Christ. At State Fair Seasons’ Christmas Superstore, we have Nativities to suit every family.
Our traditional scenes feature the humble stable, with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, the Wise Men, Angel Gabriel, shepherds and animals. Another, more modern set intersperses the characters with the word “Joy” – perfect for a mantelpiece or tabletop. For small spaces, the Christmas Superstore has smaller sets featuring just Mary, Joseph and the Christ child. If you prefer décor that sparkles, we also have white ceramic Nativity sets that glitter, in true celebratory fashion.
The Christmas story is always fascinating for children, and to help them learn the true meaning of Christmas, State Fair Seasons also offers children’s Nativity sets.
The whole family will love our life-size Nativity scenes – a complete set, with intricate detail and realistic textures and colors. Come in and see!